We're Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon and we write books together

Summer Devon and Bonnie Dee have co-written over a dozen books. Their historical novels often feature cross class romances which give the protagonists even greater hurtles to overcome than being gay men in dangerous times. Summer is the alter ego of author, Kate Rothwell, who writes gaslight historicals. Bonnie is interested in flawed, often damaged, people who find happiness together. These writers met by chance online and have had a fabulous time passing stories back and forth, creating characters and situations in what might be the world's longest party game.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

an audio version, almost done!

The Gentleman and the Rogue will soon be an audiobook, recorded by Jasper at Gallo-Romano Media.

Here's what they wrote about our book:
With over 670 ratings on Goodreads and 5 star ratings on Amazon we knew we were in for an interesting story and we were not disappointed. It is a cracking mystery adventure with an evil villain, a noble quest, forbidden love, passion and romance all developed in a fast moving plot.

Jasper has done a great job of giving the characters distinctive voices. The people at Gallo-Romano are patient professionals, we're new at this recorded books thing --  and we've enjoyed dealing with them.

We'll let you know when the book will be available at audible and other outlets.

While you're waiting, one of our books, the contemporary m/f, Serious Play, is already available for sale as an audibook.

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